- Aug 1, 2004
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- Sep 11, 2004
- #1
I just changed my antialiasing to 8x (was at 4x before), system will no longer go above 60 fps even though much of the time it is hitting 60 but being capped there. This was not the case before I changed the setting.
I am running the beta patch with a res of 1280 x 768 in a 16:9 aspect ratio with HQ and all settings on high.
Anyone have any ideas?
- Mar 19, 2003
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- Sep 11, 2004
- #2
Umm, Doom 3 is always capped at 60fps except in benchmarking...
Diamond Member
- Apr 12, 2004
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- Sep 11, 2004
- #3
You're sure it wasn't capped at 60 when you used 4x AA? Cuz Doom 3 has a 60FPS cap just like what Synth said.
What're your computer specs by the way?
- Aug 1, 2004
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- Sep 11, 2004
- #4
sorry shouldve posted second screen at first.
my specs:
Athlon64 3500
MSI NF3 Ultra
gainward 6800 non-ultra
1 gig OCZ 3200 el rev2
Golden Member
- Jan 18, 2004
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- Sep 11, 2004
- #5
Originally posted by: MoosKnuk
sorry shouldve posted second screen at first.my specs:
Athlon64 3500
MSI NF3 Ultra
gainward 6800 non-ultra
1 gig OCZ 3200 el rev2
Seems to be an error or something. Doom 3 is supposed to be capped at 60fps afaik because the physics only updates 60 times a second.
Golden Member
- Sep 4, 2004
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #6
yup its capped at 60 for me as well, i dont think you have a problem.
- Aug 14, 2000
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #7
Either you've removed the framerate cap in the first screenshot or there is a game bug.
Diamond Member
- Sep 27, 2004
- #8
Make sure that VSYNC is disabled in the advanced options before stating that the game is capped at 60FPS
- Aug 14, 2000
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #9
By default Doom III is capped to 60 FPS. The cap can be removed in SP but it's always present in MP.
Diamond Member
- Jul 3, 2000
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #10
That 68 in the screenshot looks like it was 58 and is changing to 60, but you caught it right in the transition, so it probably changed the 5 to a 6 and then was going to change the 8 to a 0. If you look closely, you can kind of make out the 5 that used to be there behind the 6. It was probably always capped, as it seems to be with everyone.
Golden Member
- Jan 4, 2004
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #11
60 for me as well..!!
- Oct 9, 1999
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #12
u can change something in the cfg for it to allow to go over 60, dont know if it "breaks" the cap limit but it does go over...
Diamond Member
- Sep 27, 2004
- #13
Originally posted by: BFG10K
By default Doom III is capped to 60 FPS. The cap can be removed in SP but it's always present in MP.
Perhaps we should be clear about what HE is talking about, since he never denoted SP or MP
- Jun 16, 2000
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #14
probably doesn't even matter if it's capped at 60 (no visible difference on anything over 60)
Platinum Member
- Feb 29, 2004
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #15
If there's no difference over 60 FPS then why cap it at all?
Why not let everyone's machines run @ whatever it's capable off like in past FPS type games. What could be the reason for this capping of FPS when there's no visible difference to higher FPS (above 60) as you've said?
Hmm... :roll:
Elite Member
- Feb 3, 2001
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #16
the game is capped @ 60fps for a reason.
many of us know how to uncap the game, but you really dont want to do that.
60fps ~ get used to it
- Jun 14, 2003
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #17
man those images u linked are a little grainy.....i was fishing round on D3files.com and found some kinda graphics mod that the author claimed made the game look much much better than it already did.....to me it looks like hes hosed everything and everyone in with pebble dash, then coloured them in....looks so horrible n grainy
Diamond Member
- Oct 7, 2003
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #18
Originally posted by: Algere
If there's no difference over 60 FPS then why cap it at all?Why not let everyone's machines run @ whatever it's capable off like in past FPS type games. What could be the reason for this capping of FPS when there's no visible difference to higher FPS (above 60) as you've said?
As has been explained in MANY places before...
The physics engine in Doom3 is locked at 60Hz, which gets rid of the framerate bugs that were present in Quake3 (in particular, you could jump higher/further if you locked your FPS at a certain rate). In Doom3, if your graphics card was drawing at, say, 120FPS, you'd only be seeing 60 individual frames, each displayed twice. This looks *exactly the same* as drawing just the original 60 frames, except that it generates more work for the graphics card (and thus more heat).
The only reason (in Doom3, at least) to remove the framerate cap would be for benchmarking (where you're not running the physics engine and you just want to see how fast the graphics subsystem is). Personally, I think they would have been better off to go with a higher physics framerate (like 100Hz or 120Hz), to allow more room for upwards expansion of systems and graphics cards, but this would have likely raised the minimum CPU spec unreasonably.
Platinum Member
- Feb 29, 2004
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #19
Originally posted by: THUGSROOK
*sigh*the game is capped @ 60fps for a reason.
many of us know how to uncap the game, but you really dont want to do that.60fps ~ get used to it
It was a rhetorical question (somewhat)
EDIT: To the post above mines
Diamond Member
- Oct 7, 2003
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #20
Originally posted by: Algere
Originally posted by: THUGSROOK
*sigh*the game is capped @ 60fps for a reason.
many of us know how to uncap the game, but you really dont want to do that.60fps ~ get used to it
It was a rhetorical question (somewhat)
EDIT: To the post above mines
Useful answers are generally better than badly phrased rhetorical questions. Your sarcasm also would have been clearer if you had quoted something (instead of just throwing what looked like a random comment in the middle of the thread). I'm also just generally sick of people talking about Doom3 and its stupid framerate cap.
Senior member
- Apr 15, 2004
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #21
Does anyone actually play the game at 60fps? If so what settings are you using?
- Aug 14, 2000
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #22
many of us know how to uncap the game, but you really dont want to do that.
Why not? Either it'll make no difference or it'll make a positive difference.
The only reason (in Doom3, at least) to remove the framerate cap would be for benchmarking (where you're not running the physics engine and you just want to see how fast the graphics subsystem is).
When benchmarking the only thing that changes is the physics cap being removed.
Platinum Member
- Feb 29, 2004
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #23
"The physics engine in Doom3 is locked at 60Hz, which gets rid of the framerate bugs that were present in Quake3 (in particular, you could jump higher/further if you locked your FPS at a certain rate)."
Is that what you mean or do you mean the opposite? I assume having a unlocked FPS would allow you to "jump" higher/further while having a locked FPS e.g. Doom 3 would not. As for this bug, not saying it doesn't exist as I've never encountered it but AFAIK the only time I've encountered someone having a further/higher jump than me or vice versa was in MP to which was mostly due to latency or to a further extent, skill i.e. strafe/circle jumpin'.
"In Doom3, if your graphics card was drawing at, say, 120FPS, you'd only be seeing 60 individual frames, each displayed twice. This looks *exactly the same* as drawing just the original 60 frames, except that it generates more work for the graphics card (and thus more heat)."
Not to mention tearing which is why VSync is for & IIRC from a D0Om 3 interview they said that they felt that 60 FPS was fast enough for smooth gameplay & that if everyone was locked @ the same framerate no one would have a higher framerate* advantage over the other. Now while 60 FPS may be smooth it's not as "fluid" as having a higher framerate*. Which is why I don't understand why they couldn't have considered having both a monitor refresh rate limit along with a set FPS cap like Halo.
*More noticeable/beneficial in fast paced games e.g. MP Jedi Knight II utilizing force speed/jumping, etc.
"Personally, I think they would have been better off to go with a higher physics framerate (like 100Hz or 120Hz), to allow more room for upwards expansion of systems and graphics cards, but this would have likely raised the minimum CPU spec unreasonably."
How would raising the limitation on framerates cause a raising of the minimum CPU specs? If the FPS limitation was raised it would just mean ppl with lower performing CPU's couldn't reach as high of a framerate as ppl with higher performing CPU's and in both cases would be limited by a monitor refresh rate cap (mandatory VSync) and/or FPS cap as mentioned under said example. To which the minimum specs requirement would be the same regardless of a theoretical increase of the FPS and/or refresh rate cap.
Lower performing CPU = 60 FPS max
Higher performing CPU = 60 FPS max
Both can do 60 FPS
Now e.g. 110 FPS cap or mandatory VSync (if monitor refresh rate is 110 Hz)Lower performing CPU = 67 FPS max
Higher performing CPU = 110 FPS max (limited by refresh rate/FPS cap)
Both can still do @ least 60 FPS
Golden Member
- Jan 18, 2004
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #24
Originally posted by: Algere
If there's no difference over 60 FPS then why cap it at all?Why not let everyone's machines run @ whatever it's capable off like in past FPS type games. What could be the reason for this capping of FPS when there's no visible difference to higher FPS (above 60) as you've said?
Hmm... :roll:
I wish people like you would read all the posts before being a dick. I already explained why they capped it.
Senior member
- Jul 8, 2001
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- Sep 27, 2004
- #25
Originally posted by: Matthias99
[...]The physics engine in Doom3 is locked at 60Hz, which gets rid of the framerate bugs that were present in Quake3 (in particular, you could jump higher/further if you locked your FPS at a certain rate). In Doom3, if your graphics card was drawing at, say, 120FPS, you'd only be seeing 60 individual frames, each displayed twice. This looks *exactly the same* as drawing just the original 60 frames, except that it generates more work for the graphics card (and thus more heat).[...]
Of course, there is a third option that most people seem to be ignorant to: Interpolation. You could see 'half steps' between physics updates without it changing any game physics or having any of the other problems with unrestricted physics speed, while still gaining something from faster FPS.
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